
By what are we called humans?

There are two types of laws: natural laws and ethical laws. Everything is subject to the former, but only human may be willing to subject himself to the latter. Only through the latter can he lend himself some dignity.

That is why, we don't accept all admitted of natural laws. For example, we don't accept the reason that a raper is caused by the beauty of the raped. Rape is not against natural laws (because it happens), but against ethical laws (because it should not happen). Things forbidden by nature can never happen, but things dismissed by ethics might happen. The happening of something does not justify itself by ethical laws. Ethical laws are characterized by rights and obligations.

We are called humans not by natural laws, but rather by ethical laws. Surely, ethical laws should be subject to revision from time to time.


In face of love

All the time, I'd like to allow every one to do and say what he wants to do and say, as long as not too much, because I myself always go this way, acting on my own will. With full strength I strive to uphold and secure liberty and self-determination.

In the face of love, I also stick to this principle. I easily fall in love, cus girls are so charming. But I cant force my beloved to love me. I simply dont have that right. Whether and how I love her is my business and she is not entitled to prevent me by any rude means. At the same time, she should not bear any responsibility to my love. She should listen to her own voice and make decision. If I love her, I may try to make she love me, doing everything I'm entitled to. How she responds to my actions and my words should completely be put under her considerations.

It is simply foolish and rude to say, 'if you dont love me, let's break'. Love does entail responsibility, neither do other any personal feelings and deeds.